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NOTE: Some programs require Visual Basic runtime files which are not included with the author’s download. If you get an error message about a file not being found after you load a program – specially DLL or OCX files – then load the applicable VB runtime library.

FlashPaste Lite
A boilerplate text tool which allows you to add frequently used blocks of text into documents (like greetings, standard phrases, e-mail addresses, Internet addresses, logins/passwords, etc); features configurable hotkey activation, and more. Requires Win98 or later.
Review/screenshots 447kB

Quick Outliner
Stores information into tree-like structure with folders & notes; features strong BlowFish encryption to secure data, automatic flushing of entered data, Unicode support (limited support for Win 98 & ME), data compression, and more. Requires Windows 98 or later.
Review/screenshots 519kB

An ASCII text editor & Notepad replacement; features integration with MS Word & WSpell spell checkers, HTML mini-app (including syntax coloring, tag insertion, convert RTF to HTML, strip HTML, etc), encryption, text conversions, find & replace, and more.
Review/screenshots 3.77MB

A note manager that uses a categories to organize notes; features inplace-editing, sticky note support, skin support, drag 'n drop, supports plugins (4 included), highly configurable, remains in the desktray, and more. Requires Windows 98 or later. CFS download
Review/screenshots 1.28MB

Assists in transcribing the text on digital images of documents (scans) through the use of a split screen, the top holding the image and the bottom an RTF text editor so the text can be manually copied (this is not an OCR program). Note: free for private use only.
Review/screenshots 1.10MB

KiwiWord v1.4
RTF (Rich Text Format) word processor which also opens and saves to ASCII text and HTML formats; features ‘spell-as-you-go’, full RTF formating features (bold, color, font, justification, etc), Internet aware, and more.
Review/screenshots 1.79MB

An RTF (Rich Text Format) & ASCII text editor with embedded HTML & picture viewer functions; features unlimited filesize (dependent on system memory), import/export MS Office files, spell checker, encryption, insert object, play WAV files, drag ’n drop, and more.
Review/screenshots 1.04MB

Article Creator
An RTF word processor for creating articles and other works; features indentation & alignments, character & paragraph formatting, supports multiple tabbed docs, sleek design with multiple themes, and more. Requires WinXP or later & .NET Framework 2.
Review/screenshots 4.20MB

Reading Acceleration Machine
A tachistoscope (rapid viewer) that flashes lines of text to the screen at a predetermined speed for vocabulary-learning, text-file viewing or proofing, rehearsal of texts, speed-reading, and more. Requires Windows 98 or later.
Review/screenshot 520kB

Pages Converter
Converts Apple Mac's Pages word processor files to TXT files so they can be read on a PC. Requires Windows XP or later & .NET Framework 3.0.
Info/screenshot 2.78MB

Notesbrowser v1.0
Note keeper with built-in calendar which is suitable for to-do-lists, dates, bookmarks, MP3-playlists, etc; features 20 ‘sites’ each with 6 pages (total of 120 pages of information), skinnable, totally configurable database, plugins, and more.
Review/screenshots 1.80MB

HHD Hex Editor Neo
A fast binary file editor that can load huge files in seconds; features a multi-document & multi-window interface, autorestore after system failure, search & goto functions, drag 'n drop, unlimited undo support, cut/copy/paste, and more.
Review/screenshots 8.03MB

Two Notes
A desktop sticky notes utility with a user-friendly interface; features the optional creation of new note templates, fully customizable (change the color of notes, font, size, signature, style, etc), and more.
Review/screenshots 251kB

A stand-alone screen-writing tool for producing professionally formatted screenplays for film and TV; features script annotation to maintain a detailed synopsis, exports to RTF, index card system, stores submission-script & shooting script as single document, etc. Direct download.
Review/screenshots 1.02MB

Viper Plagiarism Scanner
A plagiarism scanning tool for students & teachers; checks 6 billion sources, features side-by-side comparison of text & potential source, option to save searches in HTML, and more. Requires free on-line registration, WinXP or later plus Internet connection.
Review/screenshots 662kB

A quick note taker for grabbing text and keeping it available for later reuse; features tree-like note structure (notes, sub-notes, sub-sub-notes, etc), auto-saves notes, text can be pasted from the Clipboard, text search, and more. Requires Windows XP or later.
Review/screenshots 394kB

STG WordList
A word game helper that can supply a list of words from jumbled letters (great for Scrabble), or use a mask to present a list of words with certain characters at the same points (great for Crosswords); features editable word list of 173,500+ words, and more.
Review/screenshots 834kB

A Rich Text (RTF) & ASCII text editor with smart autocompletion of words & phrases; features tabbed MDI interface, can ‘learn’ new words & phrases, boosts typing speed, can create, edit & print multiple RTF documents, multiple undo, and more.
Review/screenshots 935kB

Dark Room
A simple word processor & text editor that highlights simplicity rather than features; options for color scheme (font & background), choice of font & size, windowed & fullscreen modes, and more. Requires WinXP or later plus .NET Framework 2.0 (22.4MB). CFS download
Review/screenshots 47kB

Send To Notepad
A small tool which copies the text in Clipboard automatically to Notepad when you click on its desktray icon. Requires VB6 runtime files.
Review/screenshots 38kB

JBLab Secure Notes
An infotree (nodetree) organizer that helps secure and store text notes, specially passwords and other sensitive data; features notes saved with/without a password, dial telephone numbers, access Web addresses, open files, print notes, and more. Requires Win98 or later.
Review/screenshot 959kB

Damaged DOCX2TXT
Can usually recover the text from damaged Word 2007 DOCX files, even when Word 2007 fails to recover it. Requires Windows XP or later plus .NET Framework 2.0.
Info/screenshot 3.05MB

Notepad And ½
A small Windows text editor, like Notepad, but including many of the features missed; features RTF text formatting, no filesize limit, Most Recently Used (MRU) files list, find & replace text, covert case, character/word/line counts, etc. Requires VB6 runtime files.
Review/screenshots 87kB

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