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NOTE: Some programs require Visual Basic runtime files which are not included with the author’s download. If you get an error message about a file not being found after you load a program – specially DLL or OCX files – then load the applicable VB runtime library.

Information Manager v1.0
Control the handling of pieces of information; like notes, programming code fragments, technical information, e-mails, URLs, address information, contact information, recipes, computer tips, etc.
Review/screenshots 2.25MB

ClipTorrent (US English version)
An advanced clipboard extender and utility program with a built-in multi-language spell checker (separate downloads for each language); features editable clips, choice of display font, choice of spell check options, optional always-on-top mode, good Helpfile, and more. CFS downloads for AU, UK, US & ZA.
Review/screenshots 1.54MB

A date-based text storage program for date-specific text (diaries, to-do lists, project management, recording thoughts, etc); features RTF-style text attributes, optional tree view, optional docked calendar, text search, large-display digital clock, and more.
Review/screenshots 3.61MB

BDV Notepad
An ASCII text editor & Notepad replacement; features unlimited undo/redo, document e-mail, no filesize limits, 5 display font presets, URL autodetect, change case, autosave, displays special characters, extended find-and-replace options, line sorting, and more.
Review/screenshots 323kB

WritePad v1.6
A programmer's ASCII text editor and Notepad replacement; features syntax highlighting for 19 file types (HTML, Perl, C/C++, FoxPro, BAT, etc), unlimited filesize, password protected encoding/decoding, line numbering, hotkey operation, multiple undo/redo, and more.
Review/screenshots 410kB

ASCII text editor with unlimited filesize, MDI, etc; handles TXT, HTML, JAVA, etc.
Review 1.17MB

Titanium Notepad
ASCII & RTF (Rich Text Format) text editor with unlimited filesize, MDI, etc; supports TXT & HTML files, loads huge documents extremely fast, etc.
Review/screenshots 3.37MB

A project-based novel writing program that breaks a book into chapters and scenes; features storyboard view, drag 'n drop between scenes, displays the word count, allows multiple scenes within chapters, automatic backups, and more. Requires WinXP or later.
Review/screenshots 1.84MB

Diary Book
A lockable & encrypted electronic diary with a diary editor, events reminder, alarm clock, address book, picture manager, built-in mailer, HTML and Web diary; features non-rectangular window, facility to post diary pages on the author's Website, and more. CFS download
Review/screenshots 1.77MB

Slim PDF Reader
A small, fast, bloatfree PDF reader that can view, navigate and print PDF files, just like Adobe Reader, though lacks some of the high end features (like active hyperlinks). Requires Windows XP or later.
Review/screenshots 1.43MB

SEO Note
A notes manager that saves notes and snippets in an Explorer tree-like structure; features HTML hyperlinked addresses, Zip & e-mail info, password protection, insert BMP image files, unlimited undo/redo, search, provision to add external tools, and more. Requires Win98SE or later.
Review/screenshots 2.22MB

A fullscreen text editor; features built-in spell checker, live text statistics (updated as you type), customizable look & paragraph format, built-in timer alarm, built-in note taker, autocorrection, quick text, typing sound effects, autosave, and more.
Review/screenshots 1.01MB

A note organizer/text editor that keeps hundreds of related notes in one file, connected by inserting JUMP links between them; features HTML editing, note printing, word count, global find & replace, on-line tutorials, good Helpfile, and more. Requires Win98 or later.
Review/screenshots 1.37MB

Coverts any TXT file into a PDF file which can be read by Adobe Acrobat Reader; features word wrapping, select the font size & face, rotation support, and is easy to use. Requires VB6 runtime files.
Review/screenshot 27kB

Vizual Einstein ME
Allows you to visually develop a project document with notes, headings, subheadings & hyperlinks; features full database search functionality, Web-enabled, bibliography, formatted essay report output, and more.
Review/screenshot 4.10MB

AllMyNotes Organizer
An hierarchical information manager; stores all notes in virtual folders in one file, offers freedom of individualizing notes in a customizable tree structure, notes can be grouped into flexible virtual folders, RTF text formatting, and more. Requires WinXP or later.
Review/screenshots 2.54MB

A word list manager that can maintain a number of word lists, sorted alphabetically, which can be easily accessed through its tabbed MDI interface; features purging of duplicate entries, view in multiple columns, hyperlinked URLs, and more. CFS download
Review/screenshots 403kB

Quick Memo
A simple & fast text editor that opens TXT & RTF file formats, and saves in RTF; features support for most RTF text attributes (font, size, color, bold, underline italics paragraph justification, etc), no filesize limit, and more. Requires Win98 or later.
Review/screenshots 878kB

BK ReplaceEm
Powerful text string replacement utility which works across batches of files, creates groups for repeat search-and-replace exercises, recurses directories, etc.
Review/screenshot 572kB

A light-weight, flexible, skinnable manager of virtual "sticky" notes; features flexible settings (fonts, colors, alarms, etc), alarm scheduling, groups & sub-groups, optional skin creator (159kB), and more. Requires Windows XP or later.
Review/screenshots 925kB

Text Mining Tool
Extracts (mines) text from most common document types (PDF, DOC, RTF, CHM & HTML) without the need to have Word, Acrobat, etc installed, and saves it to either a TXT file or to the Clipboard. Requires Windows XP or later plus .NET Framework 2.0.
Review/screenshot 8.39MB

Simple Notes Organizer
An icon-based application that attaches post-it like notes to the Windows desktop; features choice of color & font, change opaque percentage (10 ~ 100%), open notes stay always-on-top, open notes can be minimized to a bar, simple to use, and more.
Review/screenshots 331kB

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