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NOTE: Some programs require Visual Basic runtime files which are not included with the author’s download. If you get an error message about a file not being found after you load a program – specially DLL or OCX files – then load the applicable VB runtime library.

Tolon NoteKeeper
A multi-functional hierarchical information manager where text is grouped into flexible virtual folders enabling easy access; features full RTF text formating, insertion of graphics, etc.
Review/screenshots 1.59MB

Checks the spelling of any word pasted in the Clipboard when the user clicks on the program's icon in the QuickLaunch section of the desktop, or uses the Hotkey, Ctrl+Alt+S. Requires MS Office 97 or later.
Review/screenshots 87kB

Some PDF to Word Converter
Converts PDF documents to RTF (Rich Text Format) which can be read by most word processors; features preservation of most layout features, converts outer fonts into text & embedded fonts into images, and more. Requires Windows XP or later.
Review/screenshots 691kB

Repetition Detector
Processes blocks of text (pasted from the Clipboard) and detects repetitions of words; features no size limitations, word & letter count, lists most frequently used words, highlights repetitions, highly customizable, and more. Requires Windows 98 or later.
Review/screenshots 445kB

A compact quick ’n dirty editor/viewer to replace NotePad; features keyboard shortcuts for most commands, powerful search and replace commands, Hex and RTF viewer, font selection, unlimited filesize plus loads of handy bits for programmers.
Review/screenshot 156kB

HTML & Text Editor Portable v1.0
An ASCII text editor with a 64kB filesize limit; features both split screen HTML preview (Ctrl-S) & standalone HTML preview (Ctrl-V), minimizes to a tray icon, change display font & size, 3 font colors, link to MS calculator, and more. Requires WinXP or later.
Review/screenshots 77kB

Izreke TextPad
An RTF editor that can also save to ASCII text format; simple-to-use, fully portable, includes some RTF text attributes (insert image, text color, etc), and more. Requires WinXP or later plus .NET Framework 4.0. Author's site in Croation – direct download.
Review/screenshots 84kB

Converts HTML docs to simple text files by removing HTML tags; features extensive formatting options (including converting HTML entities into ASCII characters, formating lists & simple tables, etc), can convert multiple HTML files in the same folder, and more.
Review/screenshots 27kB

Mega Hyper Edit
Maintains a continuous record of various pastings and scribblings, stored in Rich Text File (RTF) format and loaded automatically on program start.
Review/screenshots 1.78MB

Hilitext v1.0
Text highlighting utility that instantly highlights all occurrences of specified words or phrases in any document, including Webpages, e-mail messages and word processing documents.
Review/screenshots 587kB

Simple Concordance Program (SCP)
Concordance and word listing program which can sort natural language text into vocabulary order and allow word lists and concordances to be generated.
Review/screenshot 4.54MB

TextWiz v1.5
Multi purpose text/HTML utility offers functions not offered by many word processors and code editors; features search/replace across multiple files, count lines, words, characters, or keyword occurrences, etc. Advertiser supported, requires VB6 runtime files.
Review/screenshot 1.43MB

HTML Code Export
Quickly and easily format, export and print HTML documents; features export to 10 formats (HTML, PDF, RTF, BMP, PNG, JPG, Lotus, SVG, QUATTRO Pro, & Excel), re-indents text, state-of-the-art printing engine, and more. Requires Win98 or later.
Review/screenshots 1.82MB

Text File Workshop
A tool that can store notes, ideas, plans, contacts, to-do lists, etc in a single file; features removal of duplicate text strings, writes lines of text in inverse order, splits files, combines files, text search, sorts lines of text in various ways, and more.
Review/screenshots 1.72MB

ATNotes v9.5
Puts Post-it style notes on the desktop; features selectable font & color, audio/visual alarm, automatic resizing, multiple hotkeys for specific events, hide notes until manually activated or until a specified date/time, etc. Requires COMCTL32.DLL v4.71 or later.
Review/screenshots 709kB

Sumstuff Wri v1.1
An ASCII text editor that supports RTF (rich text formatting) and HTM pages; features print preview, full RTF attributes (font, color, etc), find & replace, image insertion, incl 35 text-based icons, and more. Requires Windows 98 or later plus .NET Framework 2.0.
Review/screenshots 1.60MB

A fast and dirty ASCII text editor (Notepad replacement); features virtually unlimited filesize, simple to use, one level of undo, copy/paste to/from the Windows Clipboard, and more.
Review/screenshot 181kB

Text Tally v1.2
Utility to count the number of words, characters and lines in any text which is copied to the Windows’ Clipboard. Advertiser supported, requires VB6 runtime files.
Review/screenshot 595kB

An MDI (multi document interface) ASCII text editor with a clean, intuitive interface; features 64kB of undo/redo buffer in discrete steps, can open multiple files up to 16MB in size, split window mode, word wrap, and more. Requires Windows 98 or later.
Review/screenshots 507kB

A faster, friendlier way to find words in documents & Webpages by finding the words as you type so you will find what you are looking for as soon as you have entered enough letters; works in IE, Microsoft Word, Notepad, Outlook e-mail, and more. Requires WinXP.
Review/screenshots 152kB

Nice Notes v1.5
A small utility which stores notes (pieces of text) and which features alarm, calendar, search, print and export functions.
Review/screenshot 327kB

Changes the keyboard layout from English to any language, and from any language to English; features text reversal (abc to cba), change case between upper & lower, hotkey operation, and more. Requires Windows XP or later plus .NET Framework 2.0.
Review/screenshots 581kB

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