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Newsletter Subscriber FAQs
  1. Will subscribing to the newsletter allow me to access the software listings?
  2. If I am not a member of CFS, why should I subscribe to the newsletter?
  3. What type of listserver do you use?
  4. How safe is my e-mail address if I subscribe?
  5. I subscribed so why I haven’t I received any newsletters?
  6. I am subscribed but I recently stopped getting my weekly newsletter, why?
  7. I wrote to you about my newsletter problem, why didn’t you answer?
  8. Where can I find out more about the CFS Weekly Newsletter?
  9. Can I get a copy of the latest newsletter (or send it to a friend)?
  10. How can I change my subscription address?
  11. How can I tell you about my subscription problem?
1. Will subscribing to the newsletter allow me to access the software listings?
No. Subscribing to the free weekly newsletter will not automatically make you a member of CFS and allow you to access the software listing pages. Membership is separate from the newsletter. Please read the Membership FAQs, or go straight to the Membership Information page to find out more.

2. If I am not a member of CFS, why should I subscribe to the newsletter?
We recommend that you subscribe to the free weekly newsletter to see if the types of programs listed on the CFS site, and the quality of the program reviews, are suitable for you. The free weekly newsletter includes full program reviews (the same as on the site, but no screenshots) for all new programs listed during the past week. Subscribing will indicate whether (a) you will get any benefit from the newsletter, and (b) the programs reviewed will be programs you can use. Read the newsletters on-line, or send yourself copies of recent newsletters, by accessing our listserver (the on-line newsletter mailing program).

3. What type of listserver do you use?
We use the Dada E-mail List Management Perl script through our own server. This is a special script which runs from our CGI bin and allows us to host our own newsletter without using anyone else. The publisher of the Dada script has no access to the information we collect which is securely hidden on our server which only we can access. This means that your address is kept securely by us only and no-one else has access to it.

4. How safe is my e-mail address if I subscribe?
We promise that addresses will not be sold, bartered or given to any other party which means that the ONLY mail you will receive when you subscribe comes directly from CFS. Every piece of mail which goes out from CFS through our listserver has complete unsubscribe instructions and a special password-link so that you can easily unsubscribe should you ever want to. We value your privacy!

5. I subscribed so why I haven’t I received any newsletters?
First, did you check to see if you had been accidently unsubscribed? (We regularly delete addresses from ‘bounced’ mail.) The easiest way is to simply subscribe again using this form:

CFS Weekly Newsletter
Questions? Please read the FAQs about the CFS Weekly Newsletter.

If your address is already in our database you will see a message like this:

If you receive a message like this... will know that your e-mail had been deleted and you just need to resubscribe. Do this by responding to the e-mail sent to you with the subject “CFS Weekly Newsletter Mailing List Confirmation”. This e-mail includes a special Web address. By clicking on that link in your newsletter your subscription will be confirmed. Do NOT click on “Reply To” in your e-mail client and send that message to us. It will be automatically deleted and you will NOT be subscribed. The ONLY way you can subscribe is by clicking on that link or by copying it and pasting it into your browser.
Once you have confirmed that you are subscribed you should start getting your weekly newsletter. If it doesn’t arrive, or if it stops arriving, check out the FAQ below...

6. I am subscribed but I recently stopped getting my weekly newsletter, why?
Having ascertained that you are currently subscribed (see FAQ #5 above), the problem must be on your end. It could be a spam filter set up by your ISP which filters out “bulkmail”. Check with them and also ask if their backbone provider could be filtering mail. You can also ensure that the newsletter is not being filtered by your e-mail client, or some Webmail services, by adding to your addressbook/whitelist. We do not generally recommend subscribing with a free-address account (like Yahoo!, HotMail, etc) because these companies often filter what they think is ‘spam’ mail. For more information, read this entire page at It will open your eyes!

7. I wrote to you about my newsletter problem, why didn’t you answer?
We heavily filter ALL mail and that sometimes means that a general enquiry sent to that address will get trashed. Please use the form on the Contact CFS page to ensure that your mail is read.
Please note that we receive well over 1,000 items of spam mail each day so genuine mail can get accidently deleted. We try to prevent this but some people use ambiguous subjects in their mail and we do not have the time to check the contents all 1,000+ pieces of spam mail every day. The safest way is to use the Contact CFS form.

8. Where can I find out more about the CFS Weekly Newsletter?
Visit the special CFS Newsletter page (includes copies of all back issues) or our Dada Mail script information page.

9. Can I get a copy of the latest newsletter (or send it to a friend)?
You can view the most recent editions at the CFS Dada Archive and, from that page, e-mail yourself a back issue or send one (with a personal message from you) to a friend.

10. How can I change my subscription address?
The easiest and best way of changing details for newsletter subscription is to simply unsubscribe yourself from your old address and re-subscribe yourself with your new address. You can use the unsubscribe address at the bottom of each newsletter. Here is a newsletter subscription/unsubscription form:

CFS Weekly Newsletter
Questions? Please read the FAQs about the CFS Weekly Newsletter.

You will be required to confirm both the unsubscription and the new subscription if you use this form. The unsubscribe address in every newsletter has a special pin number so no additional confirmation is required.

11. How can I tell you about my subscription problem?
Please use the form on the Contact CFS page.


Please submit any questions you would like to see answered to CFS editor, Graham Pockett.

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Last Updated: Tuesday, June 18, 2024

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