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  Home > Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Authors/Publishers FAQs
  1. How can I submit my program?
  2. How can I notify CFS that I have updated my program?
  3. I submitted my program to CFS but it has never been listed, why not?
  4. My program is free for 30 days – why don't you list it?
  5. My program is a free download – why don't you list it?
  6. Does submitting a program automatically mean that it will go on one of your CDs?
  7. Now you are a “members-only” site, how can I check my listing?
1. How can I submit my program?
By filling out the form on the Software Submission page. Please read the intro section carefully.

2. How can I notify CFS that I have updated my program?
We would appreciate it if you do let us know. We have a Software Update page which includes an easy-to-use form.

3. I submitted my program to CFS but it has never been listed, why not?
We list less than 10% of all submissions. Many programs submitted to CFS are not free (do authors really think that we don’t check?) or they are in categories which are not popular. The Internet Related category is one of our least popular categories but it accounts for nearly 50% of all submissions. We try and balance the programs we list with the categories our visitors go to. Our most popular category is Games, followed by Desktop Utilities and Graphics. We also look to see how unique the program is and how many similar programs are already listed.

4. My program is free for 30 days – why don't you list it?
The first paragraph on our software submission page says (emphasis added):
If you have a software product which is completely free for non-commercial use and which doesn’t cease to work or become non-functional after a number of days/uses, please consider submitting it for listing on the CFS site.

5. My program is a free download – why don't you list it?
Is just the download “free”? If so read the section above.

6. Does submitting a program automatically mean that it will go on one of your CDs?
Currently we are not creating any new freeware CDs. This situation could change in the future but we do not have a short to medium term plans for the CD program to be re-started.


Please submit any questions you would like to see answered to CFS editor, Graham Pockett.

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Last Updated: Tuesday, June 18, 2024

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