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Help With Windows

If delving into the Windows’ Registry does not worry you, then is a great place to visit. It contains an on-line database of Registry information and a downloadable compendium – tips ’n tricks, troubleshooting, enhancements, etc. Two comments which must be made: do not make any changes to the Windows’ Registry without first doing a backup, and; don’t blame us if your computer ceases to work properly after you have made changes. If you are unsure of your ability then please do not touch the Registry!

Windows’ Enhancements

If you use Windows 95 or later you will appreciate some of the ‘drop-in’ enhancements for certain Win9x/ME/XP utilities. These include CWordPad, a marvellous WordPad replacement which has a spell checker, and NoteTab Light (2.08MB), an ASCII text editor which is probably too good to be just called just an enhanced NotePad alternative. NoteTab Light has a list of original features which would make the publishers of many word processors weep. It can not only open as many documents as your memory allows, but is HTML and MAPI compliant, and even has a file statistics feature (word count, etc). Now if it only had a spell checker...

Microsoft Free Fonts for Everyone

Our friend Mr Gates has made available some free fonts to help stabilise the burgeoning font market where many people have everything on their computers ’cept a standard array of fonts. This means that you can’t easily exchange documents or, more to the point, some web pages don’t display correctly because the viewer hasn’t kept his or her list of core fonts up-to-date. For example, the main heading on this page is in ‘Comic Sans’, one of these core fonts. The core font list also includes ‘Trebuchet MS’, ‘Georgia’, ‘Verdana’, ‘Impact’ and ‘Arial Black’ which are available as a pack download with Win95/NT (newfnt32.exe – 957kB, self extracting archive) and Win31 (newfonts.exe – 712kB, self extracting archive) versions. There is also another pack which includes ‘Arial’, ‘Courier New’ and ‘Times New Roman’ fonts which is available for Win95/NT (corfnt32.exe – 1.12MB, self extracting archive). Note: you must be a member of CFS to access these and some other downloads on this page.

Microsoft has also released a new font called ‘Webdings’, a wingding-type font full of special Web thingys with Win95/NT (webdin32.exe – 181kB, self extracting archive) and Win3.1 (webdings.exe – 98kB, self extracting archive) versions.

General Comments, Information, More Fonts, & Bits ’n Pieces

TrueType fonts are everyone’s favorites as you can use them in all of your Windows’ programs. If you want to add to your collection, try TarmSaft font factory.

For a commemorative screensaver of Diana, Princess of Wales, (with music) visit Grey Olltwit. This gentleman from Britain also has other such delights as a free ‘Guide to England’ for anyone contemplating a visit. All in all, a varied site with a collection of some interesting free screensavers, educational programs (including the 1 to 12 times table – no calculator required!) and games.

Want to see the top 20 free stuff sites? Visit Top20 Free for some great sites featuring all sorts of free stuff – from freeware to free magazines and CDs and everything in between.

If you wish to keep informed about changes to search engine listings on particular keywords, TracerLock can offer such a service. It can can monitor search engines for you and notify you by e-mail when a new instance of a search term is found. Naturally, this is a free service.

A source of Christian teaching software is the Bible Knowledge Accelerator series which presents terrific teaching ‘books’ in Windows’ Help format (there are dozens). While all should run in Win 3.1, most are now optimized for Win95. They include maps and graphics and are an excellent source of Christian teaching. Titles include: The Incredible Bible; The Old Testament; The Hebrew Language; Introduction to New Testament Greek; etc. Most are less than 500kB downloads which expand into ‘Help’ files of less than 1.44MB (so they’ll fit on a floppy). Highly recommended.

Get “Zipped”

Most of the programs you’ll download from the Net are in the ‘zipped’ format and have a filename extension of ‘zip’. In my opinion, if you have Windows XP or later the best way of unzipping these programs is with Stuffit Expander, a superb unzipping tool.

The unzipping tool I recommend for Win 3.1 users is Stuffit Expander because it automatically creates a sub-directory using the archive’s name (ie the file called ‘’ would be unzipped into a sub-directory called ‘test’) and unzips the files into that sub-directory. If you use it for Win95 archives which use long file names (LFN) you might have to rename some files so that install programs can find them.

PC Hardware Information

Curious about your hardware? Want to find out about BIOS updates? How about the differences between the various processors (CPUs), or even chipsets? All this an much, much more (even Windows’ operating system stuff) can be found at System Optimization Information, a sensational site with very extensive resources. If you are technically minded, allow plenty of time for a good look around...

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Last Updated: Tuesday, June 18, 2024

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