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NOTE: Some programs require Visual Basic runtime files which are not included with the author’s download. If you get an error message about a file not being found after you load a program – specially DLL or OCX files – then load the applicable VB runtime library.

An archive manager supporting ZIP archives; features Windows’ shell integration, export filelist to HTML, file download calculator, drag ’n drop, internal viewer, archive tester, creates self extracting archives (SFX), etc. Requires free registration to download.
Review/screenshots 1.29MB

1888 Quick Flow Chart Creator
A user-friendly flow chart creator to draw customized flow charts quickly; features over 30 symbols, supports JPG, GIF & BMP file formats, and more. Requires Windows 98 or later.
Info/screenshot 365kB

Karteset v1.0
A small card index-style database which stores searchable information in cards; features unlimited number of categories & cards, each card can belong to several categories, right-to-left support (for languages like Hebrew), and more. Advertiser supported.
Review/screenshots 1.25MB

ProffittCenter v1
Point of sale software for small retailers; features advanced sales screen, stock control & ordering procedures, and supports most receipt printers, scanners, cash drawers, etc. Requires 1024x768 screen resolution & printer.
Review/screenshots 7.97MB

FreeZipper v3.0.1
Archive manager for ZIP files; features SFX (self extracting archive) compatible, automatically associates itself with the ZIP file extension & adds a Windows Explorer shell extension, PKZip 2.04g compatible, small ’n fast, and more.
Review/screenshot 486kB

CD-DVD Indepth
A CD & DVD burner that creates compilations of files and/or folders; supports ASPI & SPTI writing modes, allows multi-session disks, creates bootable disks, erases rewritable CD/DVDs, and more. Warning: contains intrusive RelevantKnowledge advertising!
Review/screenshots 1.52MB

Memo Friends
An address/data book that incorporates a date reminder system where birth dates and other special dates are displayed in the main window and can automatically advise at the PC's startup special dates.
Review/screenshot 619kB

Bifrost Inventory Management v1.0
Creates an inventory of household possessions where you can keep track of item costs, if any have been loaned out, general information about each item (including serial numbers, etc), costs of all items (for insurance purposes), and more.
Review/screenshots 1.51MB

Prosperity Lite
Point of sale (POS) software using powerful database manipulation & networking and offering full point of sale, inventory control, customer contact management, accounts receivable & report generation, with multi level user security. Compatible with all POS hardware.
Info/screenshots 2.80MB

My Stuff v1.5.1
A personal inventory manager for keeping track of valuables and cataloging your home inventory for insurance; features unlimited entries, built-in backup/restore, provision for photos, provision to add appraisal information for collectibles, and more. Advertiser supported.
Review/screenshots 2.34MB

Calendar Magic
A cornucopia of calendar-related information covering Gregorian, Chinese, Hebrew, Hindu lunisolar, Islamic civil, Julian & Persian calendars; features date comparison, special events, dates of equinoxes, solstices & Moon phases, etc.
Review/screenshots 864kB

ClickTray Calendar
Desktray-based personal information manager with a calendar which supports alarms, to-do list, textbook, adress book, date calculation, and more; features a huge selection of colors & picture sets, search, undo, repetitive dates, and more.
Review/screenshots 2.22MB

Prime Time Desktop v1.0
Home accounting system, with finance charts, detailed summary reports, data filtering, etc.
Review/screenshot 2.65MB

A Windows password cracker based on rainbow tables; cracks LM & NTLM hashes, tables available for XP & Vista, brute-force module for simple passwords, audit mode & CSV export, LiveCD available (496MB), and more. Requires WinXP or Vista (see Info).
Info/screenshots 5.40MB

Tahoe Contact Manager v2.0.20
A personal information manager (PIM) with calendar, notes, and activities; features extensive data filtering & data sorting options, and more.
Review/screenshot 11.5MB

Keep a track of telephone callers and know who's calling before you answer; features disconnect, play WAV file, telezap, and more. Requires Windows 95 or 98 (may not work on later versions) and CallerID activated by your Telco.
Review/screenshot 1.54MB

SFX Maker v2.54
Convert ZIP files to self-extracting EXE files that are suitable file distribution; features disk spanning, set default extraction path, display customizable startup message, removal of extracted files, auto-run commandline after extraction, multilingual, and more.
Review/screenshot 933kB

Archive manager for ZIP files and self-extracting (EXE) zipped files; features program-install from archive, password encryption of archives, integrity check, etc.
Review/screenshot 850kB

Skinnable archive manager which can create ZIP, TAR, CAB, JAR, gZip, LHA, & BlackHole (BH) archives plus extract from ACE, ARC, ARJ, ENC, GZ, HA, LZH, PAK, PK3, RAR, TGZ, XXE, Z, & ZOO; features SFX support, UUE/XXE support, shell integration, and more.
Review/screenshot 2.08MB

Archive manager for ZIP files and self-extracting (EXE) zipped files; features program-install from archive, password encryption of archives, etc.
Review/screenshot 1.39MB

Euromat v1.8.5
Office & currency calculator; calculates the Euro, tax, discount, brackets, macro recorder, multi-lingual, time calculator, etc.
Review/screenshot 218kB

Banana Cash Book
Excel-style SOHO accounting cash book for keeping track of bank accounts, etc (also available in a multi-lingual version – 12.3MB download).
Review 3.18MB

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