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NOTE: Some programs require Visual Basic runtime files which are not included with the author’s download. If you get an error message about a file not being found after you load a program – specially DLL or OCX files – then load the applicable VB runtime library.

DRMenu v3.01
A DOS-based menuing system launching EXE, COM or BAT (batch) files; features up to 12 screens, each with up to 17 choices, a slight 3D look to the menu, and includes an editor, a viewer, and a calculator.
Review/screenshot 247kB

Hardware diagnostic tool, with limited testing, that creates a bootup floppy. CFS download
Review 237kB

Replacement for the DOS DEL command, with UnDeletor. DOS.
Review/screenshot 6kB

GDesk v2.2
A Windows 3.1 popup menu utility for fast access to favorite applications.
Review/screenshot 51kB

Scrolling system information display, quick program launch, plus calendar/alarm.
Review 151kB

Active@ Kill Disk
A security application that permanently erases a hard disk (including partitions) by overwriting data on a physical level on any computer that can be started using a DOS floppy disk; features support for IDE & SCSI drives, larger than 8GB hard disks using LBA mode, and more.
Review/screenshots 253kB

Clip-&-Font v1.0
Three utilities-in-one for clipboard and font control/viewing; excellent. Requires VB2 runtime files.
Review/screenshot 55kB

Replaces the DOS directory listing command, DIR, by adding color to the display and offering a simplified listing; features switches to show only files or directories, display without color, without file extensions, using Linux colors, and more. DOS, suitable for Windows.
Review/screenshots 22kB

Excellent DOS menuing system, with icons, screensaver, etc; uses no memory while running programs, can store an unlimited number or programs and program groups, has full mouse support, 'QuickKey' program search in the menu, and more.
Review 1.11MB

A super fast screen accelerator for DOS and Windows (suitable for Windows versions up to 98 – not suitable for Windows ME or later). DOS, requires i386 or later computer.
Information/screenshot 43kB

SpanDisk v1.1
Split & restore large files so they can be transported via floppy disk; supports LFN. Requires VB3 runtime files.
Review 95kB

Alec Forge's MS-DOS Directory Changer
Replaces the MS-DOS ‘CHDIR’ or ‘CD’ command; start typing the name of the directory you want to change to, it tries to guess which directory you want and, if it guesses correctly, you can change to that directory by just pressing Enter, or try again. Suitable for Windows.
Review/screenshots 5kB

Easily access non-keyboard characters, like ß, ½ ¼, £, ã, ö, etc or create your own; features excellent Helpfile, low system resources. Win 3.1 only.
Review/screenshots 84kB

Roman Numeral Converter
Converts Roman numerals into numbers (eg MMI = 2001) which is handy for dating books, etc. DOS but requires Windows 95 or higher to use the Clipboard copy & paste feature.
Review/screenshot 32kB

Limit Edit
Set maximum size for edit boxes and rich edit controls. Inc 16 & 32 bit versions.
Review/screenshot 125kB

DOS Utilities
30 useful utilities which work under MS-DOS, Windows, DR-DOS, etc; includes LPTstat, XCODE, Directory to Web, Disk Ready, Screen Info, ThisDate, Screen Capture, DOS Draw, File Sequencer, Re-Boot, etc.
Review/screenshot 26kB

Trowser v1.01
A True Type font viewer and installer. For all versions of Windows, from Win 3.1 to at least XP (tested with XP).
Review/screenshot 26kB

DosBar v1.43
Adds a toolbar to any DOS window. for Windows 3.1.
Review/screenshot 26kB

WinDial v2.0
Telephone dialer with built-in address book. Win 3.1.
Review 76kB

Instantly re-starts Windows without re-booting the computer. Win 3.1.
Review/screenshot 90kB

DrMenu v3.01
Superb DOS-based menu system using batch files.
Review/screenshot 244kB

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