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  Home > Update A Listing     (new listing submission here)


Have you updated your program?
Please notify CFS whenever you update your program (or change its URL) so we can keep our on-line information current. Version updates are generally mentioned in our weekly newsletter and we also keep our on-line reviews updated with the latest version release (if we receive this information!).

It is important to keep us up-to-date on any changes to a program’s URL because about once per month we check all URLs and automatically remove listings if we receive a 404 (file not found) message.

What information do we need?
There is a form below which simplifies the process of sending us the information we find helpful (the minimum information is the program’s name and URL). We encourage additional information and request that you add any general comments in the box provided, either about your product or about the CFS site. We would also like to know if the program requires additional files (VB runtime files, for example) which are not included in the normal program download.

Have you provided a link back to us?
We encourage software authors to link back to the CFS site from their websites and a selection of banners, buttons and logos is available from our Author’s “Award” page. If none suit your requirements, please let us know and one will be created for you. It is not necessary for you to link back to us for us to include your program in our listing.

CFS “Update Software” Form
Only to be used if your program is currently listed with CFS!

Your real name:   (necessary)

E-mail address:   (necessary)

Program name:   (necessary)

What is your relationship to the program?

    Software author
    Publisher; copyright holder; official distributor; etc
    None, I’m just a satisfied user

Program’s homepage:

(an information page which must link to a download page or site)

Has the program’s homepage URL changed from the current listing?
No     Yes, the program’s homepage has changed

Direct Download URL:

(normally not for publication unless the program doesn’t have a homepage)

What page on the CFS site is the existing listing:

Program’s new download size: (specify Bytes, kB or MB)

Version number:     Build number (if applicable):

Platforms it is suitable for: (use “Any other comments...” below for further info)  
64-bit – currently not supported by CFS (see our Charter)
32-bit Win7   Vista   WinXP   WinME   Win98   Win95  
16-bit Win3.x   DOS

Is this program completely free?   Yes   No  (necessary)

Is it advertiser supported?  Other:

Has CFS created a special linking page to our review of your program?
(please do not link to the pop-up review as it is not suitable for stand-alone viewing)
Yes    No    Not yet but please create one for me

Please describe what is new or changed in this version:
(please only mention changes made to this version)

Any new requirements?: (DirectX, 3D graphics card, etc)

Any other comments you would like to make...

Please Note: We will try and update your listing as soon as possible. Updates are normally mentioned in our weekly newsletter.



The software listed on the Completely FREE Software website is provided AS IS and the WebAuthor(s) of the Completely FREE Software website makes NO WARRANTY or representation either express or implied with respect to any listed software its quality accuracy or fitness for a particular purpose.

Completely FREE Software is a program listing service and software library. It does not produce its own software. Like any library it does not enter into copyright disputes between authors publishers and copyright holders. It is up to the legal owner to pursue copyright infringements directly with a program’s author and/or publisher. Completely FREE Software assumes that ALL copyright issues are resolved (even when told otherwise) and that program authors have full permission to use the characters, concepts and ideas presented in their programs. Program authors and publishers can request that Completely FREE Software remove any listed program and this will be carried out as soon as possible. A program will also be removed if Completely FREE Software receives notification from a duly recognized Officer of the Court pertaining to a legal ruling which would prevent that program from being listed. However RESPONSIBILITY and LEGAL LIABILITY in the area of copyright rests solely with the program author and/or publisher and not with Completely FREE Software or its WebAuthor(s), staff or agents.

To the best of our knowledge ALL listed programs were completely free for non-commercial use when first listed and we encourage users and program authors to report any instances where this might not now be the case. Users are reminded that some software authors change their program’s status from freeware to shareware after it becomes popular, as is their right.

The WebAuthor(s), staff and agents of the Completely FREE Software site recognize the trademarks company names and program titles as being the property of the relative companies program authors or copyright holders and their use on this site is not intended to infringe on those rights.

We request that users consult directly with program authors if they have a problem with a particular program. We have neither the resources nor the time to try and sort out individual problems. By liaising directly with the program authors you will be helping them to keep their programs up-to-date and bug-free.

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Last Updated: Tuesday, June 18, 2024

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