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Testimonials (these comments are not solicited)
I am in my 84th year and have been a Lifetime Member of CFS since 2003. I have read, profited from and enjoyed virtually every newsletter. I can say without equivocation that it has been the best "bargain" of my life!"
From Newtown Square, Pennsylvania, USA
Roland Friestad
I have been a "life" member for several years and look at the weekly messages fairly regularly although I must admit that the "SMILE OF THE WEEK" is the what I use most.
However, just this evening I stupidly deleted a large TIF file (about 300 megabytes) that I had been working on for nearly a week and by downloading a file recovery program from your site I was able to recover it in less than 15 minutes.
This one usage was worth more to me than the cost of my life membership.
From Galesburg, Illinois, USA
Craig Sheffield
I've been a member of CFS for a couple of years now (since you've required membership for downloads), and the software that I have gotten here has really been top of the line, as far as freeware goes.
From La Crosse, Wisconsin, USA
Stephen Rogers
Thank You, so very much for all the great stuff you keep available through your site. I've been a follower since I found your site way back in the mid 90s and am very pleased to be a lifetime member now!
From Rhinebeck, New York, USA
Robert Leth
I just do want to say how much I like CFS. I love not having to search for software through Google and then ending-up on some disco-looking site like PC World. I also love the fact that you review the software and that is free, forever! You do all of the work for me and it is a sweet deal. I really appreciate that CFS does not send spam, too, as do other download sites.
Robert Leth
From May City, Iowa, USA
Dick Wright
As a long time user of CFS, I just wanted to thank you again for your great web site. I would certainly be at a loss without this essential resource. I recently downloaded DrawPlus 4 and it was just what the doctor ordered. I have MS Publisher but it didn't do what I needed. Thanks!
From Charleston, South Carolina, USA
Betty Heard
I purchased your lifetime membership and I wanted to say Thank You for such a good website. I enjoy the newsletter I get from you. It's always full of good information and new free software. Thanks for all your hard work.
From USA
Marvin Lego
A most excellent site and undertaking, you rock!!! I've been a lifer for years now and will continue to do so. I look forward to receiving your newsletter weekly, it is very well done. The reviews are complete and interesting, the Computer Tip is generally interesting (I, too, am a computer geek as you can guess) and the Smile of the Week is almost always Cool... clean and funny.
Marvin Lego
From Long Beach, California, USA
Sally Thomas
The kind,personal and helpful support from Graham whenever a minor problem occurs is worth far more than the price of membership. Graham provides a wonderful service and is quick to help those of us who appreciate the effort it takes to go the distance. Thanks for the warnings about questionable content of some games, and for the valuable support whenever asked. We are with you for "life", Graham!
Sally Thomas
From Northern California, USA
Norman Elliman
When I first found CFS I just used to visit and have the odd look around, but then one day I decided that for the cost of the Lifetime Subscription "What the hell" They're 'bute people' and their software fills a nitch. As for the rest of this Web Site, it all makes some very interesting reading and food for thought. My personal thanks to you all for bringing all this to an 'earthy level'. I am just a plain old fashioned laymen and like to leave the technicalities to the experts but still be able to enjoy the facilities when possible. Good Luck for the on going future of CFS.
Norman Elliman
From Melbourne, Australia
Mark Hasslinger
I got my moneys worth the very first time I came to your place. Way back when it really was a free (non subscriber) service. Now that I had to pay for my life long membership I have no complaints, just a thank you for the good work you have done for all of us.
Mark Hasslinger
From 1/2 way to the North Pole Milwaukee WI, USA
Worden B. Raub Jr.
I can't tell you how delighted I am about using CFS. I have more than paid for the software that I have downloaded. Great software for the software junkie that I am, I can't get away from the CFS URL. I have Secondary Progressive Multiple Sclerosis and am very limited in doing anything. Thanks for providing the software, you are making me very happy.
Worden B. Raub Jr.
From Brookline Station, Missouri, USA
Dawn Edwards-Tibbett
Fantastic site. I'm a freeware junkie, and I think Graham Pockett and his staff do a fantastic job. I am a senior (very senior) citizen who has learned so much from the programs that Graham and his staff show us, that I never would have learned without them. I have found their customer service outstanding. Their site may be listed second to the first one, (and with extreme fairness they list the URL of the first) but I've explored the first site, and haven't found the material nor the customer service that CFS offers. If anyone wants a more detailed testemonial about this site, please feel free to request it at <dilettante@centurytel.net>. I can't say enough good about Graham and his outstanding site.
Dawn Edwards-Tibbett
From Forks, WA on the beautiful Olympic Peninsula, USA
Clay Whidden
When I lost all of my e-mails when reinstalling WinXP, I also lost my site registration for CFS which I considered to be one of the largest disasters connected to the loss. But I sent an e-mail to Graham who returned the needed information within minutes (not days or weeks as with other sites!) and I was again downloading those outstanding programs provided by CFS. Thanks!
Clay Whidden
From Abilene, Texas, USA
Completely FREE Software seems quite selective about the software it lists, assesses the applications thoroughly, and is very user-oriented in the approach it takes. A visitor very quickly gets the impression that a lot of care and interest has been taken in what is being presented. Congratulations!
From Melbourne, Australia
Great website, good games. I reccomend this to my friends all the time! Smashing site!
From UK, England
Ken Davey
Let me say that over the years CFS has been a treasured source of useful and fun software. I know that Friday has officially begun when your eagerly awaited newsletter hits my desktop. I have a large (yea huge) file containing my 'CFS' collection. It is too bad that the site had to go 'members only' but this is the reality of the evolving web. I do not normally go further into a site than the first dollar sign (not cheap just poor) but it took me a hot three seconds to hit the 'buy' button on CFS and sign up for the 'lifetime' option. I hope everything continues to go well with you. All your hard work in bringing this together is greatly appreciated and deserves reward.
Ken Davey
From Prince rupert BC, Canada