Completely FREE Software - the freshest freeware since 1996

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We are pleased to display these acknowledgements of the work done on this site.


June 18, 2004
Web Site Of The Day
Yes, there is such a thing as a free lunch. This site offers just what its name suggests, although due to the comparative expense of extremely long downloads the site's creator does offer an option to purchase CD-ROMs of the software offered. There is a wonderful selection of freeware here, along with an impressive news section and a good number of links to similar sites.
Smart Computing

March 19, 2002
e-King Award
Your exciting web site ... has been spotted by the e-King cyber Awards Patrol and you have been selected to receive yet another award, the e-King Award. The e-King Award is a relatively new award that is seeking sites, and being sought by sites that deserve the honor, prestige, and exposure that they deserve.
the e-King cyber Awards Patrol

February 26, 2002
Top 100 [undiscovered] Web Sites
CFS isn’t the biggest download site in the park, but it has the distinct advantage of offering free software only. It has files for Windows 3.1, 9x, and Me (even some for – yikes – DOS) and includes utilities, applications, games, graphics, and more. Unlike most download sites, CFS reviews products and provides screen shots, ratings, and update descriptions.
Peter McKie

January 20 – 26, 2002
Weekly Link Award
Since August 2001, every week, we have chosen a great Web site, among the ones on file, to feature on our homepage. From January 2002 our ‘Selected Link’ will receive a special recognition: the ‘Weekly Link Award’.
We have the pleasure to inform you, that your Web site is the third winner of this year.
Alberto Rinaldi

May 23, 2001
SPN Site of the Day
Our free webmaster newsletter, SiteProNews is received by over 6.5 million webmasters and site owners monthly making SPN the most widely read newsletter on the Web.... Completely Free Software, was selected as a SPN Site of the Day on May 23, 2001
Mel Strocen
President, Jayde Online, Inc.

February 21, 2001
FamilyFirst Featured Site
Anytime you can get something for free, I say go for it. It has long been a saying that there is no free lunch (or breakfast or dinner, I guess). But I have also read that free is a very good price. With the term free in mind, let us venture over to the Famsite today.
It is called Completely Free Software, and comes to us from the land down under, Australia. The site is the work of Graham Pockett, a committed Christian and computer nut. It is a site that is full of wonderful software, and is FREE. It was born, Mr. Pockett writes, out of frustration with sites that advertise free software, and in reality have mostly time limited shareware, and poor quality freeware. This site is designed to correct that by providing good quality, genuinely free software that has been checked and rated - programs that Mr. Pockett uses and ones which you will want to use too.

April 29, 2000
It's no secret the Web is teeming with free downloads, but why can't someone build a site dedicated to totally free software? That's exactly what CFS is all about. No shareware, no 30-day trial software, just oodles of free stuff for Windows (not Mac, alas). We suggest you clear some space on your hard drive...
Daniel Fallon and David Flynn
Sydney Morning Herald – Icon supplement

April 27, 2000
World Hottest 100 Windows Web Sites
Congratulation! Your site has been nominated and listed in as one of world hottest 100 sites.
Worldhot.Com Support

March 27, 2000
BizJournals – Focus: Technology
The software listed on this site has been hand-picked, tested, reviewed and rated on a scale of one to five ‘golden doves’. Five is the highest honor. Programs are rated on a variety of criteria, with usability being the most important. Other factors include the number of features, the usability of those features, download size, Helpfile/Readme file assistance, appearance and perceived popularity.
Kerry Duff
Trends On The Web – Contributing Writer

March 7, 2000 issue #59
Have you fallen for a 'free sofware' pitch, only to find out that the download is free, but you have to pay to keep it? The editor of this ezine was frustrated by the lack of true free software resources and decided to change things.

Completely Free Software caters to those who want good quality, genuinely free software which has been checked and rated. Each program is judged on its usablity, features, ease of use and download size. Programs are rated using a 'golden dove' system, with one dove being the worst and five doves the best.

I am sure you will find some great programs which you can put to use right away. This one is highly recommended!
Scott Owen
Associate Editor

November 28, 1999
Internet Brothers Present
It is my pleasure to announce the selection of CFS for an Internet Brothers Present in the Helpware and Community category. Certainly a one-stop shop for the software junkie on a budget, your site offers even more through its quality reviews and recommendations. Navigation is simple, pages load quickly, and the layout is appealing and effective. Your site will be featured on our winners page through the month of December then archived for future display. We will be happy to recommend you to our guests.
Jeff Clark
on behalf of the Internet Brothers Presents Review Panel

September 15, 1999
Best bets on the Net
Completely FREE Software: A side benefit of owning a PC is the abundance of free software. This site does that concept one better with completely free Software (as if ''free'' didn't say it all). Visitors here will find scads of utilities, games and Internet apps.
Web Watch

September 9, 1999
Everybody knows that the best thing about PCs is free software. Especially Completely FREE Software. A wide selection of useful categories, including utilities, games and Internet apps.
USA Today

September 9, 1999
September 9 – The Q6 web site of the day for Thursday is a site called Completely FREE Software. You can download desktop utilities, games, software for the internet, and even multimedia items.
MSNBC radio station, Spokane, Washington, USA

August 18, 1999
Cool and Completely Free
Except for browsers, freeware is normally somewhat less than exciting. But the editor of Completely FREE Software, a collection of links to Windows and DOS freeware, offers some very interesting stuff. Let's just say my hard drive has considerably less usable space as I type this review.... You are bound to find something at Completely FREE Software to make the trip worthwhile. My only request to the editor? Keep adding more!
(click on the button to read the full review)
Tina Gasperson
(Daily Reviews of the Best High-Tech Sights on the Net!)

May 31, 1999
HitBox Weekly Review
(week starting May 31, 1999)

One of the great things about the Internet is the ability to download all kinds of free software. Completely FREE Software plays host to a wide variety of absolutely free downloads of some great software for your computer. You will be able to find freeware in such areas as; games, general applications, desktop utilities, and various multimedia packages. There is a section with news on the latest occurrences on the software front. There's even a search engine to find out if specific items you are looking for are available. It is all set up in a very easy to follow format and is quick loading. I browsed through it, and I am happy to say that the site is well worth the time that you will spend to stop in and see it for yourself.
Tony D’Aguanno

May 17, 1999
Congratulations you have won my ‘Awesome Site Award’. GREAT SITE, terrific software. Rated: A Perfect 5.
Mr Skilzz (alias Greg Kowalski )

January 12, 1999
The Completely FREE Software site was honored by Netscape as being chosen a Cool Site of the day for January 12, 1999

September 29, 1998
The Completely FREE Software site has been Six-Packed for September 29, 1998. The Six-Pack showcases a variety of sites that may be of interest to the Internet Public.
Pat Cashin

July 28, 1998
Congratulations! Your site has been chosen to receive the True Style Award. We were impressed with the work you put into your site.
Stacie’s Designs

July 26, 1998
Greetings. Your site on the internet has just won a “Best of Web Award”. The purpose in presenting this award is to help new internet surfers to be able to find sites on the internet with interesting or useful material that is not offensive, and is suitable for all ages. Congratulations, keep up the good work.

July 23, 1998
Hi! You do a very well job in this freeware thing. Your layout is great and your newsletter is greater. You are now marked as a “Cool Site” at
Christoph Pieper

June 1, 1998
Congratulations! After reviewing your site, we are pleased to present you with the Market-Tek Design Award! We like to think that by winning our award your site traffic will increase. Once again, Congratulations from all of us here at Market-Tek.
John Skorczewski, President Market-Tek

April 1, 1998
Congratulations, your site has won an “All American! Site Award” effective April 1, 1998. Your site was selected because of your high devotion to excellence. If you look over the Hall of Fame you’ll see that only quality sites have been awarded. This is an authentic award, only 52 are given in a calendar year. Once again congratulations on your All American Site Award!
Mark A. Gutierrez

March 15, 1998
We are pleased to announce your site has received this prestigious award. The Heavelution Concerts Canada “Great Gig” Web Site Excellence Award is presented to those special sites which demonstrate initiative, original design, vital functionality and which truly deserve to be recognized by their efforts to inform their fellow man. Our award is not given lightly and we believe your site is essential to the sum of the global deposit of knowledge. Congratulations from all of us at Heavelution Concerts Canada on your “Great Gig” Web Site Excellence Award.
Thomas M. Schem, CEO

March 5, 1998
Have reviewed your website, and am really impressed by the overall quality! We'd like the opportunity to give you our “Innovation Award”! I hope this encourages you to keep up the great work.
Christina Brooks

March 4, 1998
Congratulations, what a fantastic site... Your Web site has been approved and we would like to honour it with “The Voyager Bronze Award”. Your combination of elegance and professionalism made your status with Design World a no-brainer. We endorse your Web site 100% and know that your skills will take you very far!

Februrary 28, 1998
Congratulations! Your Web site has been selected to win an Elite Site Award. This award signifies that your site contains quality content and has skillful design. By displaying the award on your site, you are notifying your visitors that your site is among the best of the Web. For only the best have a chance to win such a prestigious award.

Februrary 26, 1998
Congratulations on your site! Your site has been reviewed and awarded the Cool Reality Award. This award is only given to sites that have elegant graphics, content, and a cool sense of being about it. I really enjoy your site. Keep up the good work!
Jon Osbeck

Februrary 5, 1998
Congratulations! Your web site, Completely FREE Software, has been selected as the WorldVillage Family Site of the Day for February 5th, 1998! The editors at WorldVillage in honor and recognition of the web’s finest family-friendly sites choose this award. Selected by the Family PC family testers as a recommended site for families, WorldVillage receives over 250,000 visitors each month. We hope that you will enjoy the traffic you receive from our site, as you certainly deserve it.

September 24, 1997

The Key To Life?
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Could this key save your life?

Click on it to find out.

Last Updated: Tuesday, June 18, 2024

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